Biology & Characteristics
Mutations: We currently have a cap on mutations. Before designing them and considering giving them one, please consult us first and we may allow it depending on the mutation or genetic disorder they have. Be sure to check with the mods first before jumping into anything.

Blue Bloods are humans who have inherited a unique and magical link from their ancestors. These magical links are known as affinities. Based on the affinities of their lineage they are born with one elemental magic which they can later develop in life through training.
Belonging to a certain affinity often carries certain innate skills or characteristics.
For Example:
A Spring blue’s green thumb
A Sun blue’s ability to handle higher temperatures
A Moon blue’s preference for quiet atmospheres
With enough training, a Blue Blood is capable of properly controlling their magic abilities and even acquiring new elements under certain conditions.
Most creatures seek them out for their natural enhancement to the magic of others, sometimes with their mere presence alone. Specifically, their blood turns a blueish hue when in contact with magic and invokes it into becoming ferociously powerful.
A Blue Blood's scent is comparable to that of a flower, what kind depends on the Blue.

There are ONLY 9 affinities (that and a Blue Blood can be ANY combination of two. (Sun x Sun, Spring x Summer, etc.)
One acts as their primary type (Affinity) and the second as a more dormant type (Sub Affinity).
Their main Affinity determines what type of elements they are drawn to, work stronger with, or even attract, while Sub Affinity helps determine their elemental magic. (Keep in mind the elements Dream and Time must be purchased through group currency before you can create a character with them.)
Note that you need two affinities.
You may get multiple possibilities, but you can only choose one element.
Affinity Magic Chart

(Click image to enlarge) (Click here to see in Google Sheets)
Additionally, depending on which affinity your blue is and what element they surround themselves with, the stronger or weaker a connection may be. They may feel this connection with either dragons or other Blue Bloods.
Keep in mind only a Blue Blood's main Affinity counts in connection.
★ = Four star connection; other listed elements equate to a three star connection while no listed elements equate to no stars in connection. To calculate the level of connection in the case a dragon has a primary and secondary element, find the mean (add the value of both element’s stars towards the affinity then divide by 2) if the number is not whole, round down.
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Gold★ = 4 Stars
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Fire = 3 Stars
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Crystal = 2 Stars
Sun --- Crystal & Air = 1 Star
Sun --- Crystal & Umbral = 0 Stars
Affinity List
Please note that Blue Bloods are still human and these perks only go as far as they themselves/their body can.
(Ex: A wet blue who never learned to swim would panic in water, not aware of his natural ability to be able to swim.)

Nature, Fairy★, Air, Ghost★, Gold, Love, Dream, Time
-Adapt very quickly to their situations.
-At their peak during chilly or windy days, especially during fall.
-Excel in learning new things, innovations, and communication.
-Tend to let their curiosity get the better of them.

Umbral★, Water, Air, Ice, Ghost, Crystal★, Blood, Acid, Time, Dream
- Preference for the dark and have an easier time ‘sensing’ what is in it.
- Night owls, they’re at their peak during evening hours.
- Excel in hunting and tracking, even at night.
- Tend to be moody depending on the moon’s phase.

Astral★, Fire, Air, Gold★, Love, Blood, Gem, Acid, Time
- Take longer to sweat and have a general preference for heat.
- Early birds, they’re at their peak during morning hours.
- Excel in organizing multiple things at once and caring for other individuals.
- Tendency to locate themselves under natural light.

Umbral, Air★, Fire, Thunder★, Ice, Fairy, Crystal, Gem
- Quick on their feet, high stamina.
- Prefer dryer weather, usually bothered by humidity.
- Excel in survivability and endurance.
- Tend to dislike stormy weather and getting wet.

Water, Nature★, Thunder, Fairy, Love★, Gem, Time
- More relaxed among natural ambiences
- Spring fever; they’re at their peak during this season.
- Excel in handling greenery, animals, and sensing poisons/rot.
- Tend to prefer natural and/or soft scents.

Astral, Water★, Thunder, Ice, Ghost, Gold, Blood★, Acid
- Barely inhibited by rain or water in general.
- They’re at their peak during storms, humid days, and cloudy days.
- Excel in traversing through most terrains with ease and swimming.
- Tendency to drink plenty of fluids.

Umbral, Time★, Astral, Dream★, Ghost
- Usually perceptive people.
- Have difficulty finding common interests.
- Very visionary with their ideas.
- Normally prefer solitude.

Astral, Fire★, Nature, Fairy, Crystal, Acid★, Time
- Barely affected by heat and rarely sweat.
- At their peak during hot, summer days.
- Excel in any area where fire/heat is involved, from cooking to metalwork.
- Tend to prefer a variety of physical activities.

Umbral, Nature, Ice★, Gold, Crystal, Blood, Gem★ Time, Love
- Barely inhibited by cold.
- At their peak during cold, bitter days, usually during winter.
- Can handle high amounts of stress.
- Tend to have a fascination with morbid things.

Here you can read more about what sort of magic your Blue Blood is capable of. You can also figure out how to progress their abilities and discover their limitations.
Before continuing please make sure you have chosen your Blue Blood's Magic Element.
This can be found only if you have chosen their Main Affinity and Sub Affinity first.
You then go to the Affinity Magic Chart and choose ONE of the magic elements available to your character.

Depending on the region/origin of your Blue Blood, they may either begin their training or continue it.
There are 5 tiers of mastery: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master.
Blue Bloods who were teleported from their timeline to the present day must begin with Novice.
Vaakens and Atlanteans may begin with either Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced.
Blue Blood based societies may begin with Advanced or Expert while Magisterium members may go as far as having their mastery already completed.
Additionally, Blue Bloods can fall under one of four gene types, each with their own benefits and limitations.
Type | Characteristics | Max Learning Capability |
Scion Blue | Far removed and distant gene hardly linking them to any ancestry with Blues. Too weak to grant them any significant power. | Either no magic at all or at the very most the novice level. |
Draconic Blue | Have an abundance of dragon blood in their lineage (This does not grant them Draconic powers) | Advanced
Mid Blue | Have some dragon blood in their lineage. (This does not grant them Draconic powers)
| Expert
Progenitor Blue | Pure Blooded Blues with no mixing lineage belonging to other magicals.
| Master |
Blue Bloods can improve their magic by doing one of the following:
Roleplaying their training in-server or in dms
(Must be screenshotted then shown to a mod within the designated channel for Blue Blood Magic)
Drawings of the character using their magic.
(Must be at least a C grade or above. Show art grade receipt in the designated channel for Blue Blood Magic)
By doing so, you will earn one medal each time. (this includes every attempt at magic within a single rp.)
When your Blue Blood accumulates enough of these then they can progress through the stages of their mastery in magic. Once reaching their personal max, they can begin to learn a new element by binding another dragon to them.
You can read more about this under the page pertaining to Bonds >
Here are the required medals to enter each tier of mastery — Note that in total there are 10 levels to achieve mastery in. Each tier consists of two levels.
Novice ➔ Intermediate: 60 medals.
Intermediate ➔ Advanced: 140 medals.
Advanced ➔ Expert: 240 medals.
Expert ➔ Master: 360 medals.
Mastered; 500 medals.

Here you can find more information about each of the 18 elements as well as the levels of mastery your Blue Blood can earn through training. Click on the element to read about abilities.

If you have any questions, please refer to our FAQ>
If you can't find your answer there, then please don't hesitate to note the group or message us on Discord!
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