The magic of adaptability. It has uses beyond simply growing plant life through a learned, complex form of magic that allows for flexibility of the element.
Novice (0 - 60)
During this early stage of their magic, nature Blue Bloods will find that they are unable to spawn new life without at least a seed to work with. Additionally, they will find that they are still susceptible to plant derived toxins and poisons. The range of which their magic can work begins at a radius of 5 feet/1.5 meter.
Level 1 (Requires 0 medals)
At the early level, nature Blue Bloods can sprout seeds but are unable to mature them.
With the same type of magic, Blue Bloods can sprout new leaves on already existing/matured plants.
Level 2 (Requires 30 medals)
Upon reaching this level of mastery, the ability to grow plants strengthens and the Blue Blood will be able to grow a plant to maturity. Note that given this early stage in their magic training, their magic output will be minimal meaning they will be limited to growing plants only as large as a shrub.
Intermediate (60 - 140)
At this tier, the user learns how to create plant life without the need of seeds. Through the same process of learning this ability, the Blue Blood will be able to begin building their immunity towards toxins while only suffering from minimal effects. Nature Blue Bloods at this level can only learn up to a variety of 5 plant species. They will also be unable to sprout new plant life if it is not the optimal season for them. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 10 feet/3 meters.
Level 3 (Requires 60 medals)
Essence Thief – At this point in mastery, Blue Bloods will no longer need an existing seed or plant to use their magic. They will learn that they can summon plants from nothing if they learn their chemical compositions first. To do so, a Blue Blood would have to absorb a plant of its essence, ultimately killing it to learn its chemistry. From that point onwards they will be able to summon that same species of plant at will under their corresponding seasons. At this tier they are limited to learning only 5 plant specimens. Once a plant is learned, it cannot be unlearned or replaced with another.
To build immunity towards toxic plants, they must fall under one of the learned specimens. They will be afflicted with the same side effects these toxic plants would normally cause a person, however to a more minimal effect where it will render the plant’s toxins nonfatal to the practicing Blue Blood. After building the immunity towards the specific plant, they will feel the effects of other, similar plants they have not yet learned to a lesser degree as well. However, keep in mind that for the effects to lessen from other plants that have not been learned, they must be similar in nature. Ex: Poisonous, Hallucinogenic, Irritant, Drowsiness, Dizziness, etc.
Level 4 (Requires 100 medals)
At this level, the Blue Blood will have strengthened their magic enough to grow larger plants such as bushes and small trees. It is important to note that they cannot control how a plant behaves, meaning they can’t manipulate them to bend in certain directions to their will. They are limited to only the placement of where they can grow these plants.
Additionally, a Blue Blood of this element cannot advance to the next tier of their mastery until they’ve learnt 5 specimens of plants.
Advanced (140 - 240)
At this tier, the user can create magically enhanced versions of studied specimens, elevating their potency. Their mastery extends to reviving dying plant life, provided it isn’t bound by external magic. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 15 feet/4.5 meters.
Level 5 (Requires 140 medals)
Blue Bloods of this level can now grow and revive plants outside their respective seasons. On the flipside, they can also decay plants.
Level 6 (Requires 190 medals)
Enhanced Botany – Using the plants they’ve learned, Blue Bloods will be able to magically enhance their known properties for better or for worse. These magically enhanced plants, when given to an individual, will either feel an enhanced, evolved form of the effects or will feel the usual effects instantaneously. However they are limited to non-fatal effects. Ex: Medicinal herbs that are enhanced by magic and consumed by an individual will allow healing whether it be an alleviation of illness or a faster healing process for wounds.
A Blue Blood cannot advance to the next tier until learning 10 specimens.
Expert (240 - 360)
At this tier, the user’s ability to manipulate plant life takes on a more complex form that allows splicing. The capacity at which they can learn species has increased to 15. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 20 feet/6 meters.
Level 7 (Requires 240 medals)
Hybridization - With their magic, Blue Bloods of this level will learn how to hybridize specimens they’ve learned. Through this process they will be able to either rid of the associated effects that come with the specimen or strengthen them after crossbreeding. Additionally, seeds of these hybrids can be created by the Blue Blood then planted by others.
Level 8 (Requires 300 medals)
At this level, the user can become more experimental with their abilities. With their magic and their ability to splice specimens, Blue Bloods of this element may learn the ability to give other elemental capabilities to the plant life they grow. To do so, they will need the sampling of another type of magic. Once attained, they can fuse it with the plant life and grant it temporary elemental effects that will last anywhere from a few hours to a full day.
A Blue Blood cannot advance to the next tier until learning 15 specimens.
Master (360 - 500)
At this tier, the ability to alter plant life grows more complex as the Blue Blood finds various ways to further their capabilities. The capacity at which they can learn species has increased to 20. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 25 feet/7.5 meters.
Level 9 (Requires 360 medals)
Blue Bloods of this level will be able to use the plants they grow to create magical spores/pollen that induce status spells pertaining to the specimen in use. When these spells come within the vicinity of another person, a range of effects may occur such as sleep spells, dizzy spells, hallucination spells, and more.
Decomposition – Blue Bloods of this level will be able to decompose organic material at an accelerated rate of 150%.
Level 10 (Requires 500 medals)
At the final level of mastery, the user can grant their plants sentience. This allows the plants to feel, and even move on their own. Some may even form personalities. While they aren’t capable of true communication, they can become quite expressive in nature through their movements and outward behavior.