
Who is this group made for?
Roleplayers and Artists of various styles and levels looking for a place to create, share and develop their characters and ideas in a creative group and setting.
There are some factors we will take into consideration when looking through new applicants and their characters' applications, such as:
For Characters:
Making use of the group's setting, aesthetic and lore in characters' designs, backstories and traits.
Versatility, in a sense that the OC can be put to use in many different RP scenarios and activities.
Creativity, variety and so forth. Distinctive ideas, personalities and designs.
Coherent backstories, abilities and traits.
Properly filled up application forms.
For Applicants:
Following the rules.
Positive attitude.
Interest in roleplay.
The balance between individuality and the ability to share the space with others in a leisurely, no-conflict manner.
Ability to handle mature topics, raunchy atmosphere etc.
Openness to a dialogue between other members and moderators.
Love for roleplay, characters, creation, interaction, art, writing and anything in between.

How to Apply

New members
Get familiar with the lore. To start, follow to the Character Creation 101 section where you'll learn what you need to know to create a character.
Join the Discord Server. A link to the server will be provided in the Opening Announcement. In the preserver you will be able to meet with the other applicants, meet the moderators and ask any questions you might have, as well as join discussions and post your concepts for feedback. It is not a mandatory step, but it might be helpful for everyone involved.
Prepare your application. Fill up the application template and write a bio. You can find templates and information about how to fill them HERE>
Consult your application with moderators. During the opening, the moderators will try to help and guide applicants on how to make a character who will fit our setting. Use this option to your advantage if you have any doubts or want to ask for an app check.
Submit your application. Specifics will be provided with Opening Announcement.
Wait for the results. Once the opening period is over, moderators will look through the applications and exchange feedback. The results of it and further information on how to proceed will be provided in the following Announcement.
Returning members
All of the above applies also to the returning members. As members of the previous group who follow to the new group you have been granted a spot in the roster, but are expected to provide a new application with updated info and go through the group's opening period along with other applicants. You are free to rework your old characters in any way.
Private Invitations
In very rare instances we might be open to accepting applicants out of the usual opening period. Such private invitations will be handled on a case by case basis. In such cases, feel free to message a moderator about your case.

Character Creation 101

HTSS is a group with the setting that can be labeled as a blend of genres like epic, high, and dark fantasy that takes place after the fall of more modern civilizations. Your IC actions will often impact the direction of the group’s story as well as other characters’ development.
While not every page will be applicable to you and your storyline, it is crucial to at least read the main lore and a must to read the info pertaining to your character’s biology and faction. You may consider everything else as supplemental information for your journey if you wish to incorporate them in any of your roleplays or dive deeper to find more context.
The important sections include:
About which introduces the group and explains what kind of group are we.
History which explains the history of Blue Blood and Dragon society, origin of their factions and the reasons behind their conflicts.
Inhabitants - Blue Bloods and Dragons covering information about the two main races.
Factions which describes the 5 major sides of the conflict.
Map of the World which will help you visualize the shape of the world in its current state and territories.
When applying you can create 1 character who is either a Blue Blood or a Dragon. Later on, you will be able to purchase more character slots, other species, Hybrids and NPCs.
Filling up the bio
To properly fill up the bio, you should cover all of the mandatory sections below.
For Blue Bloods:
Name: (First, Middle, and Last if any)
Age: (18+ If something makes them long lived, include physical age and actual one)
Height: (feet / cm)
Type: (Scion, Draconic, Mid , Progenitor) (Information: Types)
Affinities: (Main Affinity|Sub Affinity) (Information: Affinities)
Element: (Their magic element, if they know more than one list them all in chronological order) (Pick an element via Affinity Magic Chart. Information: Elements.)
Mastery and Level: (Their mastery of magic and corresponding level ex.Intermediate - Level 3) (Information: Levels)
Place of Origin: (Traditional regions include North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, etc, as well as Atlantis, Antarctica/Vaaken Kingdom and Caëlion)
Period of Origin: (During what time period they were born. Keep in mind that places of origin like Caëlion or Atlantis require a specific time of origin)
Faction: (What faction they’re affiliated with. Options include Atlantis, Vaaken, Halcyon, Church of Ilecrest or Unaffiliated) (Information: Factions.)
Role: (Optional): ((Applies if your character plays any specific role in their faction, religious hierarchy etc. ex. Guard, Council Member, Lazulum, Venasce’s Virgin etc. )
Personality: (Optional)(Can be in a few sentences or bullet pointed. If you’d rather not list a personality due to not understanding your character yet, feel free to exclude this section.)
Strong points: (Optional) (what they’re good at)
Weak points: (Optional) (what they’re bad at)
Likes: (Optional) (Bullet points)
Dislikes: (Optional) (Bullet points)
History: (1-3 paragraphs worth of backstory. Should include information about their origin, highlight events or periods of life you consider significant and be concluded with their most recent situation and outlook. Anything longer must be sent privately to a mod and will not be added to the website. We wish for most details about your characters to be explored through rp among members.)
Transport: (Applies to Blue Bloods who've been teleported from different time periods; Describes how they came to be in the modern world. Various options include, but are not limited to: Curses, sleeping immortal potions, magic portal, brought back to life through witchcraft, time jumped, etc. It's all up to you! Write what occurred, the rest can be included in their backstory.))
Extra: (Any extra information, trivia, nicknames, additional links to pinterest, playlists etc., anything goes)
For Dragons:
Name: (First, Middle, and Last if any)
Physical Age: (18+ Their human appearance) (Information: Dragon Aging)
Dragon Age: (Their age in dragon years)
Height: (In human form; feet / cm)
Size: (In dragon form) (Information: Sizes)
Type: (Colossal, Mid ,Runic) (Information: Types)
Elements: (Their magic element/s. 1-2) (Information: Elements)
Place of Origin: (Traditional regions include North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, etc, as well as Atlantis, Antarctica/Vaaken Kingdom and Caëlion)
Period of Origin: (During what time period they were born (Current Year - Dragon Age = Time Period). Keep in mind that places of origin like Caëlion or Atlantis might require specific time of origin)
Faction: (What faction they’re affiliated with. Options include Atlantis, Vaaken, Halcyon, The Eyrie or Unaffiliated) (Information: Factions)
Role: (Optional): (Applies if your character plays any specific role in their faction, religious hierarchy etc. ex. Guard, Council Member, Lazulum, Venasce’s Virgin etc. )
Personality: (Optional): (Can be in a few sentences or bullet pointed. If you’d rather not list a personality due to not understanding your character yet, feel free to exclude this section.)
Strong points: (Optional): (what they’re good at)
Weak points: (Optional): (what they’re bad at)
Likes: (Optional): (Bullet points)
Dislikes:(Optional): (Bullet points)
History: (1-3 paragraphs worth of backstory. Should include information about their origin, highlight events or periods of life you consider significant and be concluded with their most recent situation and outlook. Anything longer must be sent privately to a mod and will not be added to the website. We wish for most details about your characters to be explored through rp among members.)
Extra: (Any extra information and trivia, nicknames, additional links to pinterest, playlists etc., anything goes)
There might be some things you might be still uncertain about after reading the lore - in those instances, join us in preserver or message mods with your questions!

Character Creation Resources

List of useful links and resources that might help you visualize and flesh out your OC.
Visual Templates
Character sheets / questionaires / quizes
Useful links
pinterest.com - Great for visual inspiration, full of fantasy concept art, fashion, allows you to create aesthetic boards for your OCs etc.
youtubeplaylist.org - For creating OC music playlists which you can share with others. We know you want to.
fantasynamegenerators.com - Legendary. Iconic. Classic. Source of endless kinds of names for anything you can think of.
onelook.com- Absolutely fantastic tool for finding synonyms, related words and such.

For any more questions please refer to our FAQ>
If you can't find your answer there, then please don't hesitate to note the group or message us on Discord!