Mutations: We currently have a cap on mutations. Before designing them and considering giving them one, please consult us first and we may allow it depending on the mutation or genetic disorder they have. Be sure to check with the mods first before jumping into anything.

Dragons will typically have a different physiology depending on their element.
Human Forms: Every dragon can transform between their human and draconic form. For transformations, their physical human appearance must be no less than 80% HUMAN and no more than 20% DRAGON. They must look predominately human and must have realistic skin colors. Please stray away from giving them purple or green skin for example. The most abnormal we will allow is a sickly pale looking skin with a blue or gray tinge.
Tails, horns, wings, claws, and MINIMAL amounts of scales appearing on the skin is allowed. Things to keep in mind when creating your character is the limit on appendages. Additional sets of wings, tails, or eyes is allowed. Things like additional heads and limbs are not allowed, neither in human form nor draconic.
When a dragon is born their scales are soft and extremely delicate. It takes about a year starting from when they are hatched for their scales to fully harden.
Dragon scales are incredibly tough and cannot be penetrated using ordinary weapons. Underneath the dragon’s scales is their epidermis. There are certain weapons that have been enchanted that prevent a dragon from healing normally/ through magical means.
Flight for a dragon is normally possible through their wings. However not all dragons have functioning wings, some use magic to fly around while others may not even be able to fly at all. A dragon’s wings are typically made of leathery appendages while others may have feathers. Types such as the crystal dragon cannot fly without the use of magic as its crystallized wings are far too heavy and are not suitable for flight.
Due to the changing of the seasons, the biology and nature of dragons makes them predisposed to secondary effects of the different temperatures and climate. This causes them to have heightened levels of aggression, mood fluctuations and other similar symptoms, generally during warmer seasons.
Dragons are capable of multiple sounds, from roars and hisses to clicking and rumbling. The sounds made from clicking can be used to calm others, like the soothing effects of a cat’s purring.
Dragons are capable of changing their sex as well as others through the use of their magic. Changing too often can result in internal complications within one’s body that will prove to be detrimental to their health.

In-detail information on Dragon genetics, sizes, and more.
Dragon aging functions as shown below. Dragons age as humans do up until the age of 14 where they experience a significant slowdown in growth. Once they reach 20, they begin aging up physically 1 year every 60 years.
Human Appearance | Years They Remain This Age | True Dragon Age |
14 | 60 | 73 |
15 | 120 | 193 |
16 | 180 | 373 |
17 | 240 | 613 |
18 | 300 | 913 |
19 | 250 | 1163 |
20 | 60 | 1223 |
Dragons cannot die of old age. However, as a dragon grows older, they require more downtime to help reserve their energies due to the overwhelming amounts of magic they exert. It is by age 50 (human age) that they begin to sleep at least a week for every other week that they are active. For every year they age, this amount is extended by a week’s worth of sleep, and activity remains at only one week of energy. (This carries on into the roleplay itself and limits how often stronger dragons can be used.) At a certain point in their growth will their activity decrease as well to where they may only awaken once or twice a year. This decline in energy begins at 75 with a maximum of 15 active days and decreases to 1 by the time they are 90.
For Dragons, there are several set 'sizes' that they can be depending on their age and genetics/type. Dragons can come in about any size but the larger the dragon the more likely they are to be older.
Below are the general size ranges. A dragon cannot exceed a size if they are younger than the listed age associated with it.
Size | Dragon Age |
1 | 120 |
2 | 240 |
3 | 360 |
4 | 480 |
5 | 600 |
6 | 720 |
7 | 840 |
8 | 960 |
9 | 1000 |
10 | 1300 |
11 | 1600 |
12 | 1800 |
13 | 2000 |
14+ | 2300+ |
Size | Length | Height |
1 | 24 ft /7 m | 3 ft / 1 m |
2 | 30 ft/ 9 m | 6 ft / 2 m |
3 | 42 ft/13 m | 9 ft / 2.5 m |
4 | 60 ft / 18 m | 12 ft / 3.5 m |
5 | 66 ft / 20 m | 18 ft / 5.5 m |
6 | 78 ft / 24 m | 24 ft / 7 m |
7 | 84 ft/ 25.5 m | 27 ft / 8 m |
8 | 108 ft / 32 m | 30 ft / 9 m |
9 | 120 ft / 36.5 m | 33 ft / 10 m |
10 | 132 ft / 40 m | 36 ft / 11 m |
11 | 156 ft / 47.5 m | 42 ft / 13 m |
12 | 180 ft / 55 m | 48 ft / 14.5 m |
13 | 234 ft / 71 m | 51 ft / 15.5 m |
14+ | 294 ft+ / 90 m+ | 55 ft+ / 16.5 m |
Ages after 2300 grow an additional size every 300 years.
Every size after 14 increases in length by +30 ft and in height by +5 ft. Dragons who are not of traditional stature such as Wyrms can have an addition of +30 ft added to their total length.

Dragon Size Chart.
Genetics / Type
Your dragon's general size range depends on what type they are. A dragon's overall magic stamina also depends on their type. Runic dragons can use magic for longer periods of time, more frequently, and learn it faster than their Colossal dragon counterparts while Mid dragons balance out between magic stamina and size. Dragons who exceed their stamina will usually be left fatigued, aching, and needing a longer recovery period before using their magic again.
There are three types of dragons: Colossal, Mid, or Runic Dragon.
Type | Qualities | Legendary Ability Unlocked at | Largest | Lowest |
Colossal Dragon | Large Size/Average Magic Stamina
| 2300 | - | 7 |
Mid Dragon | Medium Size/Above Average Magic Stamina
| 2000 | (-2) ; caps at 15 | 5 |
Runic Dragon | Small Size/High Magic Stamina
| 1700 | (-4) ; caps at 13 | 1 |
Example: For a 26-year-old Runic Dragon, I want them at their max range.
Originally, their max size would fall under figure '11' but due to being Runic their max has a (-4).
[ 11 - 4 = 7 ]
7 is their max size.

Below you can find more information on what each element entails for your dragons, varying from typical appearances to common abilities.
Each dragon begins with either one or two elements. Some dragons may carry a second or third element that only makes itself known later in their lives. It usually involves a change to their physical appearance as they adjust to the new magic, which will only be minimally powerful in the long run. It does not affect their initial connections regarding affinity. (Legend abilities cannot be used for elements that appear later in life.)
Depending on the element, the rate of self-recovery varies. It is the basis for the rate at which their body naturally heals on their own (this is without the use of them applying their own magic to heal faster.) This generally has a minor correlation to their healing capabilities in the case that they can heal themselves and others. The number is multiplied in reference to the average rate of a human’s recovery time.
2x Can heal light scratches, muscle soreness, and bruises.
3x Can heal cuts, bruises, sprains, and minor wounds.
4x Can heal gashes, torn muscle, fractured bones.
5x Can heal any major injury no matter the severity.
Healing in general drains a lot of any dragon’s magical energy with the exception of Gem and Crystal Dragons. It is to be expected that they cannot heal themselves/others in one go if they aren’t in perfect health/have low reserves to start with.
Like Blue Bloods, Dragons may also form a connection based on their elements and the other’s affinity. (Keep in mind the elements Dream and Time must be purchased through group currency before you can create a character with them.)
Affinity Compatibility
As both Dragons and Blue Bloods share certain elements with each other, they will find themselves relating to one another through a sense of kinship. Based on a Dragon’s element and a Blue Blood’s affinity, a connection/link presents itself to both parties. They are either drawn to, work stronger with, or are even attracted to those who are compatible. This connection only applies to a Blue Blood’s primary affinity.
(More about Blue Blood Affinities can be found under the section pertaining to Affinities>)
★ = Four star connection; other listed affinities equate to a three star connection while no listed affinities equate to no stars in connection. To calculate the level of connection in the case a dragon has a primary and secondary element, find the mean (add the value of both element’s stars towards the affinity then divide by 2) if the number is not whole, round down.
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Gold★ = 4 Stars
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Fire = 3 Stars
Sun★ --- Astral★ & Crystal = 2 Stars
Sun --- Crystal & Air = 1 Star
Sun --- Crystal & Umbral = 0 Stars
Element | Compatible with |
Acid | Summer★, Sun, Moon, Wet |
Air | Dry★, Sun, Moon, Autumn |
Astral | Sun★, Summer, Wet, Dusk |
Blood | Wet★, Sun, Moon, Winter |
Crystal | Moon★, Summer, Winter, Dry |
Dream | Dusk★, Moon, Autumn |
Fairy | Autumn★, Spring, Summer, Dry |
Fire | Summer★, Sun, Dry
Gem | Winter★, Sun, Spring, Dry |
Ghost | Autumn★, Moon, Wet, Dusk
Gold | Sun★, Autumn, Winter, Wet |
Ice | Winter★, Moon, Wet, Dry |
Love | Spring★, Sun, Autumn, Winter |
Nature | Spring★, Summer, Autumn, Winter |
Thunder | Dry★, Spring, Wet |
Time | Dusk★, Sun, Moon, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter |
Umbral | Moon★, Winter, Dry, Dusk |
Water | Wet★, Moon, Spring,
Note: For dragons there is a general list of abilities that do not cover all their capabilities, but instead give a sense of what they are like. Most will not overlap with Blue Blood abilities, and instead should be more focused on environmental/landscape effects such as terrain, weather, macro scale alterations.
Feel free to get creative, anything that may seem too outlandish please get approved by a moderator first. Legend abilities cannot be used until they have met the age requirement.

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