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Magic Type

Wish-granting. Not very powerful or prone to physical or aggressive magic/powers.

Typical Appearance

Pastel color palette. Usually more animal-like than other dragons due to their ability to shift into woodland creatures. Fur covered bodies and feather wings as well as doe eyes are common. Their general form however remains reminiscent of a dragon still.

Breathing Ability

Fairy dust.


Through their magical capabilities they can glow.

Recovery Rate

3x the rate of humans

Regeneration Ability


Healing Ability


General Abilities

The trickster of dragons. They deceive the naïve and take advantage of them to get what they want using their magic. These dragons can grant wishes; however, the outcome may not exactly be what you had hoped for. 

Illusions - Fairy dragons can create realistic illusions that trick the person it has been cast on. These illusions typically wear off by midnight or by solving a riddle, finding the perimeter edge of the illusion, or collecting fragments of reality. Example: You're in a house but at the very corner of the room you see a patch of grass, thus revealing your location is outdoors.

Wishes - Fairy dragons can grant wishes, however the wish granted may be taken too literally, so careful what you wish for. Wishes involving wealth, love, life, and appearance cannot be granted. These wished items are tangible and real, however they are not functionable. Meaning if one were to wish for a cellular device or a power drill, they would not work. 

Shapeshifting - These dragons are able to take the form of any woodland creature and communicate with said creatures. 

Illumination - Can generate light from their bodies and leave behind a trail of glitter. 

Fairy Dust – Items inflicted with fairy dust will levitate, glow, or change in size.

★ Legend Ability

Clairvoyance - A fairy dragon can reveal hidden areas or items and even see a few days into the future.

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