General Rules

1. Being at least 20 years old is a must.
Our member base age ranges between 20+ and 30+ years old. As adults, we want to be comfortable with each other. Any attempts to bypass this rule will result in an instant ban.
2. Any form of hateful speech relating to real-life races, gender, religion, sexuality, etc. will NOT be tolerated.
Politics are not a prohibited topic, but any discussion or commentary relating to it is expected to be approached with proper maturity and caution.
3. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards the sexual portrayal of any character under the age of 18.
4. Be respectful and polite.
Please be respectful of our work and time. We put a lot of effort into running this group as a fun, leisurely and creatively stimulating place. If you don't agree with the group's approach or direction, please remain civil about it and handle it peacefully. DO NOT argue with the mods on their jurisdiction
If you want to address an issue, DM a moderator, or message them through our Discord server. Do not block, or otherwise make it impossible for one of our moderators to contact you directly.
In no instance is harassing us or our members acceptable.
5. No drama.
The group aims to bring together people with creative interests and love for the fantasy genre, fiction, roleplay and art. We see OOC drama as a pointless distraction from our goals. We expect our members to be cordial and genuinely kind to each other. All past issues or personal biases between members have no relevance in the group's spaces and should not influence how they act towards each other.
We don't endorse any drama or clique-inducing behaviors such as spreading rumors, hosting side servers to bad talk other members, excluding or grouping members against each other, or any other behaviors that might lead to jeopardizing our work and community.
We reserve the right to refuse any applicants who had caused us trouble in the past, unless they speak to us directly to resolve said issues first.
6. Original characters only. -
The group requires you to create a character of your own. While using official material as inspiration is allowed, we do not accept OCs based on real people, blatant plagiarism or art theft.
You can use a commissioned art piece or design for your application form so long as you're interested in creating any type of art yourself (please credit the original artist if you do). Please keep in mind though that many side activities will be art oriented.
You are allowed to reuse your characters from another source like an RP group or a story, so long as you rework them accordingly.
7.Activity checks are monthly. -
Activity ranges from submitting art, roleplaying on the server, or participating in events. Failing to miss one month’s activity check leaves you with one additional month to try and become active again. If by the end of the second month you remain inactive, you will be kicked out and this will be your ONLY WARNING as we will not give out any upon removing you from the group.
If you wish for a hiatus, please let a mod know in advance and we will be happy to welcome you back after your hiatus period. But please do not abuse this option
8.RP that contains smut is NOT allowed on our server. You may do what you wish in private but be aware you will not receive gold for these rps, neither will you receive any for nsfw art you submit.
We expect all our members to be mature and responsible for their actions and behaviors.
Members repeatedly causing unrest, bringing tensions or hostile feelings to the server and focusing on behaviors not serving the well-being of the creative community and the atmosphere of the group as a whole will be approached by the moderators with intention to solve these problems. In case of not finding a common understanding, or persistently resisting fixing said issues, we reserve the right to remove the member from the group without further notice.
Be civil, be mindful and have fun.

Roleplay etiquette

1. Avoid excessive ship-chasing, guilt-tripping, god-modding or self-inserting in IC situations. Always make sure that you and other players are on the same page with your potentially drastic ideas or advances.
2. Do not kill or fatally wound another player's OC without discussing it and receiving explicit agreement. Don't put your OCs in situations that might have consequences you are not ready to face.
3. Avoid stalling of RPs to the point of becoming inconvenient to others. If you can't continue the RP, try to remove your OC from it, allow others to guide your OC for the time being or headcanon what your OC does while you're away. If possible, you can rejoin the RP at the next appropriate time in the future. Feel free to poke another player for their response if they're taking too long, but please remain reasonable and kind about it. In RPs that are meant to remain fast-paced try to avoid excessively long posts.
4.Don't mix up reality with fiction. Avoid taking strictly IC matters personally. Fights between characters should not translate into hostility between players. Character's actions and beliefs don't have to directly translate to those of their authors. Avoid excessively scrutinizing character's actions, choices, morals and such through OOC comments. Rather than complaining about things you don't like, try to interpret the IC situation through your character's perspective and implement it in their experience. Try to stay in-character as much as possible.
5. Level-headed communication and good intentions are key to resolving any issues and doubts. Use them freely. Don't be afraid to ask when you're not sure. Be patient with those asking for help or guidance. Try to be reasonable and lenient with other players' mistakes and always aim to resolve the issue, rather than escalate it. Avoid letting unsolved matters fester until they become a bigger problem.
6.While in public chatroom or RP, keep an eye out for others who would like to join. Try to be inclusive. If the RP truly won't benefit from more participants (it happens), be polite and understanding about it. Don't fully rely on others to carry your OC through the RP - everyone has the same right and chances to take initiative.
7.Wrap up your character's story if you have to leave the group. Try and be considerate of those around you who've developed their character's with yours in mind. If you leave without tying loose ends and it results in causing contingency conflicts within the group for everyone else, we will close off your character's story however we deem necessary.

Server Etiquette

1. Post in designated channels.
Try to avoid off-topic in channels with a designated purpose. Don't post OOC talk in RP channels.
There are designated NSFW art and chat channels provided and any kind of explicit NSFW content should be directed to those channels. If you realize that the conversation you have with other members becomes too much NSFW, move it to the NSFW channel. Although explicit art and conversations are allowed, images of real-life gore and porn are not. Explicit NSFW RPs should not take place on the server.
2.Don't spam. Don't troll. Don't be a nuisance.
3.If you are about to post something that in your judgment might shock or disturb others consider putting it in a spoiler tag. (||on both sides of the address, image or phrase ).
4. Refrain from excessively promoting content not related to the group. Promoting other groups or servers is generally considered in poor taste.
5. In the same style try to refrain from posting too much non group related art into the art channel. Sharing works you are especially proud of every now and then is fine, but most of the posted art should still be group-related. Try to keep it an 80/20 rule. Don't hesitate to post your images of your creations in the OOC channel, if they're part of a conversation.
6.Don't be overbearing - avoid taking over chatrooms and conversations with only topics of your own interest and only your designated group of mutuals or crushes, while ignoring and excluding anyone else. Be mindful of others who are also sharing the same space with you and make sure that everyone feels included. We are all equally important here.
7. When the moderator requests or suggests you to tone things down or change the topic, please listen.
It's awkward enough to ask for this as-is, no need to make it harder.
8. Don't try to exploit loopholes in the server's gold or any other system.
Be fair, if you spot any mistakes or errors, please report them to mods so we can fix them.

For any more questions please refer to our FAQ>
If you can't find your answer there, then please don't hesitate to note the group or message us on Discord!