With this element, Time is not of the essence. Users ensure that Time works for them, rather than against them.
(Time Element must be purchased through group currency)
Novice (0 - 60)
At this tier, unlike dragons, Time Blue Bloods are far more limited in their capabilities when it comes to manipulating time. Most of their magic is reliant on the motion of objects. The range to which they can work with begins at 5 feet/1.5 meters.
Level 1 (Requires 0 medals)
Speed Up – Through this ability, Time Blue Bloods can speed up any projectile or moving object by 25%.
Slow Down – Through this ability, Time Blue Bloods can slow down any projectiles or moving object by 25%.
Level 2 (Requires 30 medals)
Replay – The ability to cause an object to replay its state of motion. An example being a firecracker going off then going off a second time.
Intermediate (60 - 140)
At this tier, the ability to further manipulate time strengthens with the ability to stop time. It begins with stopping one projectile/object, then extends itself to all nonliving things in motion such as water, fire, or air. The range of their magic now extends itself to 10 feet/3 meters.
Level 3 (Requires 60 medals)
Pause – The ability to stop projectiles or all kinetic movement within an environment for up to one minute. This does not affect living things.
Level 4 (Requires 100 medals)
Rewind – At this level of mastery, a Time Blue Blood can reverse time up to one minute and last for five seconds before reverting to present time. This skillset is useful for minor fixes in time.
Time Boundary – The ability to manipulate time for everyone within their range. Through this ability, affected people can either be made to react faster or slower to their surroundings.
Advanced (140 - 240)
At this tier, Time Blue Bloods enhance their ability to manipulate temporal effects, allowing them to trigger delayed reactions and glimpse into the past. Their connection to time extends to objects, revealing hidden histories and events tied to them. The range to which they can work is now extended to 15 feet/ 4.5 meters.
Level 5 (Requires 140 medals)
At this level of mastery, Time Blue Bloods can cause a delayed onset reaction to occur by either impacting an item or igniting it. They can set these impacts to occur at a delayed time for up to a day into the future.
Level 6 (Requires 190 medals)
Temporal Vision – Through Temporal Vision, a Blue Blood of this element can look up to five years in the past for five minutes. Their physical self is not present or visible in the past timeline, but they are able to leave behind messages in the form of echos.
Object Vision – Time Blue Bloods can touch objects to uncover their past, revealing where they’ve been, who handled them, and the events they've witnessed.
Expert (240 - 360)
At this tier, Time Blue Bloods gain the ability to alter the state of objects and reveal glimpses of past events. Their mastery allows them to manipulate time’s effects and project fragmented echoes of history into the present. The range to which they can work is now extended to 20 feet/6 meters.
Level 7 (Requires 240 medals)
Temporal Restoration – This ability allows for the manipulation of an object’s age, either reversing time to restore it to its original, pristine condition or accelerating time to age it into decay. However, they can not restore fragments of items that are lost. Instead, they are able to locate its whereabouts.
Level 8 (Requires 300 medals)
Sands of Time – The user can conjure up a fistful of sand that can be used to playback recordings of events that they’ve witnessed. They simply need to blow on the sand to create a cloud of dust to hazily display these images. The audio comes in the form of echos.
Master (360 - 500)
At this tier, Time Blue Bloods gain the ability to briefly exist across multiple timelines, performing simultaneous actions with significant mental strain. At peak mastery, they can anchor themselves to a moment in time, rewinding events with lasting consequences on their magical abilities. The range to which they can work is now extended to 25 feet/7.5 meters.
Level 9 (Requires 360 medals)
Time Fracture – The Blue Blood can create a temporary fracture in time, allowing them to split their actions into two separate timelines. In this state, they can perform two different actions simultaneously. This action only lasts in bursts of a few seconds at a time. It is incredibly disorienting and causes the user a serious case of vertigo.
Level 10 (Requires 500 medals)
Diemin’s anchor – The user can place an invisible “anchor” in time at a specific point. If needed, they can activate the anchor and instantly travel back to that moment in time. All events between the anchoring and the return are erased, and only the user retains any knowledge of the future that was unwound. Activating this anchor will impact the user’s ability to use their magic for a period of six months.