An element that allows for the manipulation of ions in the atmosphere. This magic tends to find itself in user’s who are possessive.
Novice (0 - 60)
At this tier, Blue Bloods develop a connection to electrical energy, allowing them to generate light, influence currents, and interact with powered devices. Their mastery expands to manipulating energy flow, enabling both disruption and enhancement of electrical systems.
Level 1 (Requires 0 medals)
At this level, Blue Bloods can emit a photon of blue light with anything they glide their hand against and cause small static shocks.
Level 2 (Requires 30 medals)
Ionization – The ability to manipulate surrounding energy to create or redirect currents and cause electrical charges through positively or negatively charged atoms that result in the process of ionization.
Short Circuit – The ability to fry items that are powered electrically.
Electrical Charge – The ability to charge and power items through thunder magic.
Intermediate (60 - 140)
At this tier, Blue Bloods gain greater command over electrical energy, enabling them to manifest it more tangibly and influence their environment. Their abilities extend to generating force, interfering with technology, and creating an electrified aura that enhances both offense and defense. The range of their magic now extends itself to 5 feet/1.5 meters.
Level 3 (Requires 60 medals)
Electrical Projection – At this level, the ability to concentrate energy in a perceivable way becomes possible as the Blue Blood can now project electricity through the creation of plasma.
Electrical Aura – Similar to how Blue Blood’s veins may glow blue when using magic, this element’s skin glows blue by flickering and branching out like lightning. When in this state, touching them will cause harm through light electrocution/shock.
Level 4 (Requires 100 medals)
Electrical Propulsion – The ability to propel and thrust objects using electrical energy.
Electronic Disruption – The ability to disrupt technology and interfere with signals. This does not grant the ability to bypass certain functions such as passwords or other security measures.
Advanced (140 - 240)
At this tier, Blue Bloods enhance their ability to interfere with electrical forces on a larger scale, causing widespread disruption. Their control expands to manipulating natural energy sources, allowing them to influence powerful currents already present in their environment. The range to which they can work is now extended to 15 feet/4.5 meters.
Level 5 (Requires 140 medals)
Electromagnetic Pulse – An EMP that causes malfunctioning, and the eventual explosion of nearby wires and devices. There is no way to target a single device unless through direct contact, meaning all devices within the Blue Blood’s range will cease to function and will be permanently damaged.
Level 6 (Requires 190 medals)
Lightning Manipulation – The ability to redirect lightning in an existing thunderstorm. A Blue Blood cannot create lightning but can redirect its trajectory.
Expert (240 - 360)
At this tier, Blue Bloods gain influence over magnetic forces, allowing them to attract or repel metal objects. Their mastery extends to summoning lightning from their palms, unleashing devastating electric fields and chaining attacks across multiple targets within their range. The range to which they can work is now extended to 20 feet/6 meters.
Level 7 (Requires 240 medals)
Magnetic Field – Blue Bloods at this level can generate a magnetic field around themselves, attracting or repelling metal objects. This field can be used to pull weapons away from others, redirect projectiles, or create a barrier of floating metallic debris for defense.
Level 8 (Requires 300 medals)
At this level, Blue Bloods can summon spear-like bolts of lightning from their palms and pierce through objects/people. Upon impact, the spear explodes into arcs of plasma that create a field of high voltage that extend to their full radius.
Chain Lightning – The ability to summon a bolt of lightning from one’s palms that arcs from one target to another, chaining between multiple enemies.
Master (360 - 500)
At this tier, Blue Bloods gain the ability to disrupt biological and magical forces with precision, causing severe physical effects on targets. At peak mastery, they can create a powerful energy core that draws in and annihilates anything within its reach. The range to which they can work is now extended to 30 feet/9 meters.
Level 9 (Requires 360 medals)
Upon touch, the Blue Blood can overload the nervous system of an individual that instantly locks their muscles, leaving them fully paralyzed for about 60 seconds. Depending on the size of the target, the more this spell is subsequently used, their chance of a heart attack is exponentially increased.
Level 10 (Requires 500 medals)
Electric Core - At this final level of mastery, the Blue Blood can create a gravitational center of electrical force that sucks in metal bodies and stray spells, vaporizing anything that reaches its core.