The most complex of all elements. A magic that lends itself to not only possessing the minds of other’s, but their own as well.
Novice (0 - 60)
At this tier of magic, Blue Bloods use their innate feelings of empathy to navigate their magical capabilities. While these initial powers are intangible, they have the most effect on one’s mental process compared to any other element. The range of which their abilities can work begins at a radius of 5 feet/1.5 meter.
Level 1 (Requires 0 medals)
At the early level, Love Blue Bloods can infer what emotional attachment one has for another by simply being in their presence. They can look through any demeanor to get to the core of what mental state an individual is in as well.
Level 2 (Requires 30 medals)
Upon reaching this level, by adding physical touch to the mix when reading an individual, these Blue Bloods can get a glimpse into their thoughts and get a general idea of what they’re thinking.
Intermediate (60 - 140)
At this tier, the ability to further read into others strengthens as they can look past what an individual is thinking in the moment. They can visualize thoughts as the person sees them. Additionally, Blue Bloods of this tier begin to passively use their magic in their everyday life. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 10 feet/3 meters.
Level 3 (Requires 60 medals)
Love Charm – Passively, Blue Bloods of this element charm and captivate the attention of everyone around them. While this doesn’t necessarily mean those near them will be attracted to them, they will certainly garner more attention compared to everyone else in the room. It’s more than likely those naturally born with this element carry a certain charisma that accompanies their magic. People will find themselves drawn to them and wanting to strengthen relations with the Blue Blood. Lying, while not impossible, also becomes increasingly difficult to do in their presence.
Level 4 (Requires 100 medals)
Cognizance – At this level, Love Blue Bloods learn to use their magic to look even further into the mind of another. With this ability, they can reach into the depths of one’s memories to visualize past occurrences the same way the individual experienced them. To do so they must still come in direct contact with the individual.
Advanced (140 - 240)
At this tier, Blue Bloods of this mastery will begin their training in healing-based magic to become the strongest healer of the 18 elements. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 15 feet/4.5 meters.
Level 5 (Requires 140 medals)
Butterfly Kiss – Kissing another person inflicts a spell that allows for a few different outcomes depending on the Blue Blood’s intent. The spell can either alleviate the individual’s stress, numb injury, stabilize blood pressure, cause drowsiness, improve stamina, or regenerate magic. All effects are temporary and will wane over the course of three hours.
Level 6 (Requires 190 medals)
Love Healing – At this level, Blue Bloods will be able to use their magic to heal minor wounds such as scratches, bruises, and other abrasions. The healing happens instantly and leaves behind no marks. They must come in contact with the individual to heal them.
Expert (240 - 360)
At this tier, the ability to control another’s emotions and thought processes becomes prevalent as the Blue Blood learns new techniques to get into the mind of others. Unlike most other elements, love magic is unstable in nature, and as a Blue Blood progresses their mastery, they will find that their powers take a specific turn in either one of two directions. The determining factor for which route they take fully depends on their development in character during these moments of them having learned their magic at this point onwards. They will be unable to tap into both routes and will be unable to change them once their journey has begun due to the extremely reactive magic that will constantly affect their mental processes. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 20 feet/6 meters.
Level 7 (Requires 240 medals)
Bestow / Grudge
♥ Bestow – The ability to heal strengthens at this level. Blue Bloods in this route can heal larger, more severe wounds, even those ridden with infection.
♡ Grudge – Previously healed wounds throughout one’s lifetime can be unhealed.
Level 8 (Requires 300 medals)
Love Augmentation / Hate Augmentation
♥ Love Augmentation – Through a kiss, individuals affected by this type of magic will find themselves falling in love with either the user, the first person they see other than the user, or whoever the user wishes the person to fall in love with. These effects wear off after approximately three hours.
♡ Hate Augmentation – Through a kiss, individuals afflicted by this type of magic will find themselves feeling immense hatred towards either the user, the first person they see other than the user, or whoever the user wishes the person to hate. These effects wear off after approximately three hours.
Master (360 - 500)
At this final tier of mastery, the Blue Blood’s abilities will have cemented. Their abilities are illustrative of their character. The range of which their abilities can work extends to a radius of 25 feet/7.5 meters.
Level 9 (Requires 360 medals)
Infatuation / Obsession
♥ Infatuation – A type of spell activated by words of endearment or through a kiss. The affected person becomes infatuated with the user/whoever the user chooses and actively does everything in their power in an attempt to please/impress them. This effect lasts 24 hours.
♡ Obsession - A type of spell activated by words of endearment or through a kiss. The affected person becomes obsessed with the user/whoever the user chooses and actively does everything in their power in an attempt to get closer to them to the point it becomes borderline possessive. This effect lasts 24 hours.
Sacrificial Protection / Sacrifice
♥ Sacrificial Protection – Love Blue Bloods of this route can link themselves to another person to aid. Through linking, any pain or injury inflicted on the individual will be transferred to the user instead. The link lasts until the user removes it. Only one link can exist at a time.
♡ Sacrifice - Love Blue Bloods of this route can link themselves to another person to protect themselves. Through linking, any pain or injury inflicted on the user will be transferred to the individual instead. The link lasts until the user removes it. Only one link can exist at a time.
Level 10 (Requires 500 medals)
Harmony Inducement / Chaos Inducement
Working off their previously acquired “Love Charm” an advanced form of the magic that can be used actively as a spell rather than passively.
♥ Harmony Inducement – Using this spell, the best qualities in people are put on display. Anger, resentment, envy, and other negative feelings are suppressed.
♡ Chaos Inducement - Using this spell, the worst qualities in people are put on display. Anger, resentment, envy, and other negative feelings are brought out.