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The element that often makes users more involved than they would like to be. Communicating with the other side is no problem for someone of this power.

Novice (0 - 60)

It is likely that Ghost elementals have always experienced some form of their capabilities growing up in their lifetime. As people pass on, Blue Bloods of this element will have been able to see their spirits. The range to which they can work with begins at 5 feet/1.5 meters.


Level 1 (Requires 0 medals)

Blue Bloods of this level can see ghosts but can neither touch nor interact with them. These ghosts that they encounter are existing in a separate dimension and are unaware the living is trying to contact them or even exist within their space.

So long as a Blue Blood exists within the space, others will be able to see will-o-wisps of the ghostly forms that the Ghost element is able to fully see. There must be continuous attempts to interact with these entities before a Ghost Elemental is able to proceed onto the next level.


Level 2 (Requires 30 medals)

MediumshipThe ability to interact with entities from the other realm of existence. Only those with the Ghost element can see and interact with these entities. They remain as will-o-wisps to nearby persons.

Intermediate (60 - 140)

At this tier, a Ghost Blue Blood will be able to further interact with entities from outside their realm. Alongside this ability, they will be able to manifest them into the world, however they will also be responsible for casting them out. This ability should be used with caution as there is no way to cast these entities back to their realm until the expert level. The range of their magic now extends itself to 10 feet/3 meters.


Level 3 (Requires 60 medals)

Summoning – The ability to contact spirits from other dimensions and forcefully interact/ bring them to the user’s realm. This ability is unstable in nature and allows other spirits to cross through aside of the one that is called upon. This can result in inviting demonic like entities or possession. The summoner is not immune to any form of possession at these early stages.

At this level, the Blue Blood will be able to allow the entities voice to be heard by others, however their true forms cannot be seen by anyone other than the Ghost elemental.


Level 4 (Requires 100 medals)

Corporealization – The ability to give spirits the appearance of a physical form so that others may see and interact with them. (The body is not physical)

Psychokinesis – The ability to interact with physical objects without touch.

Advanced (140 - 240)

At this tier, Ghost Blue Bloods can further control a spirit’s whereabouts and manipulate extra-planar energy pulled from another plane of existence. The range to which they can work remains at 10 feet/3 meters.


Level 5 (Requires 140 medals)

Ghost Trail – If the Blue Blood chooses, they can create a trail only visible to spirits that can then be followed. Spirits who are bound either by location or by objects may follow this trail without interference. However as soon as the trail wears off, the spirits will return to their original location.

Ghost Lights – The Blue Blood can manipulate extra-planar energy to create spheres of lights to illuminate their surroundings.

Phantombane – The ability to transform physical objects into a semi-ethereal form, making them capable of interacting with and harming spirits.


Level 6 (Requires 190 medals)

Sense Manipulation – The ability to manipulate one sense from an individual at a given time to null their use. The effect wears off after five minutes.

Spirit Seal – Through this ability, Blue Bloods can seal away spirits in objects as well as release them only in the case that released spirits were sealed by them in the first place.

Expert (240 - 360)

At this tier, Blue Bloods of this element are no longer at risk of being possessed. Additionally, they have begun to learn a form of magic that can separate entities from possessed bodies. The range to which they can work with remains at 10 feet/3 meters.


Level 7 (Requires 240 medals)

Ghost Elementals of this mastery will have built the immunity against possession and can no longer be possessed by otherworldly entities.

Exorcism – The ability to expel spirits from a possessed body.


Level 8 (Requires 300 medals)

Cast Out – Spirits who have crossed through the barrier can be casted back out to their respective realm.

Master (360 - 500)

At this final tier of mastery, Blue Bloods of this element gain the ability to manipulate entities with greater precision and potency for more dangerous applications. The range to which they can work is now extended to 15 feet/4.5 meters.


Level 9 (Requires 360 medals)

Possession – The ability to force a spirit inside a living person. The user cannot control the actions of the spirit and what it chooses to do in that body.

Cursed Items – A Blue Blood of this mastery can curse items so long as a spirit has been sealed within it.


Level 10 (Requires 500 medals)

Death Inducement – The ability to have spirits grasp a dying person’s soul to bring them closer to their end.

Necropolis Gate – The ability to open a perceptible portal to the other side. Only the user with their final mastery are able to pass through along with dragon ghost elementals.

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