As a teen, Ciao was stolen by humans from her large communal family and thrown into the shackles of being a caged fighter, battling for her life against other dragons and magicals. Only the strongest survived, and she did so with great fury at those who held her captive. She was passed from generation to generation (of a blueblood no less), until she finally broke free into a world that continued to shun and demonize her for what she was.
When she found her family murdered with a small settlement of humans living in their remains, she said fuck it, they're all gonna die now. She slaughtered them. First as a dragon, but as time went on, as a human - blending in with them and relishing in being a murderer among their own culture. She would reclaim the world for her kind, one soul at a time.
The cataclysm was a blessing. She aligned herself with the Eyrie shortly after its formation, drawn to its desire to eradicate humanity and its potential as a faction, and quickly established herself as a trusted guard to her new home.
However, after deeming the monarch antithetical to the ideals of Eyrie, she overthrew it, publicly murdering both king and queen and destroying the hierarchy of power within the Eyrie. She now carries the title of Regicide.